What Is an Irregular Period?
Periods can be irregular in several ways. A period can be referred to as irregular if it fails to occur on a consistent basis. However, when the length of time between periods varies a great deal, it is difficult to approximate when the next one will occur. Periods are also considered to be irregular when the number of days they last is inconsistent.
Irregular periods may result from significant change in weight or high levels of stress. Excessive alcohol use can also disrupt one's menstrual cycle. Eating disorders, such as anorexia and over-exercise can reduce or stop periods from happening due to a decrease in body fat. A missed period does not necessarily mean pregnancy. It may just be an indicator that ovulation did not occur.
To determine if your menstrual cycle is irregular, you must figure out what is regular for you--that is, how many days does your period last during each cycle. Periods may last a few days to over a week but typically last approximately the same number of days each time. Calculate the number of days from the first day of your last period to the first day of your next period. This can be anywhere from 23 to 35 days.
Many women consider 28 days or more between periods irregular. However, whether a period is considered regular or irregular is a determination based on an individual's cycle. Since the length of your period and the length between periods vary, it is only possible to estimate when and how long your next period will be. However, by keeping track of your periods, you will be able to make an educated guess. Once you can identify what an average period is for you, you will be able to identify irregular periods easily.
Irregular periods result from an imbalance of hormones, particularly, estrogen and progesterone. Hormones are affected by pregnancy, birth control pills, stress, diet, excessive exercise, weight change and nutrition. They can also be affected by caffeine, smoking, drug and alcohol abuse or a serious underlying medical condition