How to Teach Colostomy Care
Gather supplies the patient will use. Patients will need to become familiar with different types pf colostomy pouches, adhesives to keep the pouch in place and cleaning supplies. Be sure to inform patients where they can buy future supplies.
Use understandable language. Medical terminology can be confusing for someone without a health care background. Teach using terms most people have heard of. If medical terminology must be used, define terms ahead of time.
Explain daily colostomy care required. Teach patients how to remove the colostomy bag and replace it. Explain the different types of bags such as those that use a strap to hold the bag in place or bags which use an adhesive. Teach patients how to clean and care for the skin around the stoma. Instruct patients on spotting signs of infection such as reddening of the skin around the stoma.
Urge patients to participate. After a demonstration of how to perform the daily care encourage patients to demonstrate it back. Hands on experience may be the best way to teach colostomy care. Keep in mind patients may be hesitate at first but by encouraging patients to practice and giving them time most people will get the hang of it.
Encourage questions. Ask patients what their concerns are. Discuss advise for traveling. Be sure to explain to patients they should not let embarrassment prevent them from asking questions.
Discuss emotional concerns. Living with a colostomy is a major change. Self image my be affected. In addition to teaching the medical aspects of caring for a colostomy address the emotional aspects. Keep in mind people adjusting to a colostomy may be concerned about appearance and may feel self conscious.
Write down instructions. Not all patients will remember everything that is shown or told to them. Giving patients information they can refer to when they are at home may relieve some anxiety about taking care of their colostomy.