How to Reduce Hemorrhoid Swelling
Things You'll Need
- Warm water
- Soft toilet tissue
- Ointment
How to Reduce Hemorrhoid Swelling
Fill a plastic basin halfway with lukewarm water. The basin must be shaped to fit your toilet bowl. If you are unable to find a basin this shape at your supermarket, try a pharmacy or a medical supply store.
Lift the lid of the toilet, put the basin in the toilet bowl and sit. The basin should be deep enough to allow the hemorrhoids to soak in the water without touching the basin's bottom. Allow a minimum of 15 minutes for the water to soothe the irritated area. Soaking for 20-25 minutes is ideal. The water should be changed if you sit for a longer period of time since the water will cool off.
Stand up slowly, putting most of the pressure on your legs. To dry off, use an abundant amount of soft toilet tissue. Gently pat the area until dry. Before discarding the tissue, check to see if there is any blood on it. If there is a significant amount of blood on the tissue, contact your doctor before applying anything to the area.
Using one or two fingers, apply hemorrhoid cream, such as Preparation H, on the infected area. The cream should be applied to external hemorrhoids individually to ensure that the cream has been applied generously to each one. An applicator is usually included in the box with the hemorrhoid cream for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. You will need to squeeze the cream into the applicator prior to insertion.
Put on a clean, comfortable pair of cotton underwear. Women should avoid wearing thong underwear since this will irritate the hemorrhoids. To prevent possible staining, a pantyliner can be used.
Relax. Lay on your side in a comfortable position. Sitting and walking will put pressure on the hemorrhoids.