How to Lessen the Chance of Developing Blood Clots
Practice healthy lifestyle choices. Smoking is a risk factor in developing blood clots, because it causes blood vessels to shrink and harden. Add smoking to an unhealthy diet and you are upping your chances of getting a blood clot drastically. Reduce the fat and cholesterol count in foods you eat and stop smoking.
Exercise regularly. A regular exercise routine will improve circulation and help you maintain a healthy weight. Both of these are very important in the fight against blood clots. Unrestricted blood flow and good circulation make it less likely for blood clots to form. Maintaining a healthy weight means your organs are not surrounded by fat and plaque will most likely not form in arteries.
Move around often. During long trips make sure you take breaks to walk around. On plane rides where it may not be possible to actually walk around, do leg exercises in your seat. Prolonged sitting and lack of movement are one of the leading causes of blood clots.
Take precautions after surgery. Small blood clots can be formed during surgeries. Once you are in recovery, the doctor may prescribe anticoagulants. Take them as directed. Also make sure to move as much as possible. If movement isn’t allowed, there are compression cuffs that are placed around the limbs to stimulate circulation that can be used. Lying absolutely still after surgery is a very easy way to get blood clots. Make sure you move.
Wear compression stockings if you are prone to blood clots. People who are on their feet a lot sometimes develop varicose veins. Varicose veins are wider than normal veins and allow greater risk for the formation of blood clots. Wearing compression stockings helps with circulation in people with varicose veins.
Tell you doctor about any conditions you have. There are many conditions that add to your chances of developing blood clots. Talk with your doctor about all of your conditions and symptoms so he can prescribe the correct medicines and lifestyle changes that will help prevent your getting blood clots.
Be proactive with your health and follow the steps above. Doing this will greatly lessen your chances of developing blood clots.