How to Prevent Motion Sickness When Flying
Motion sickness is a common problem when flying. While many people don’t seem to be bothered by this disorder, for some it is a severe and debilitating problem causing nausea, headache, vomiting and sweating. Fortunately there are many remedies available to prevent motion sickness from occurring in susceptible people. While there is no remedy that works for everyone, chances are that you will be able to find an effective method to combat motion sickness.Things You'll Need
- Bonine
- Dramamine
- Scopolamine patch
- Wristband
- Ginger
- Peppermint Oil
Eat a small meal before you travel and avoid spicy or greasy foods and dairy products. Do not drink alcohol or beverages containing caffeine before or during your flight.
Choose the right seat. There is less motion over the wing, making these seats perfect for those with motion sickness. No matter where you sit, try to keep your head as still as possible. Becoming overheated can trigger motion sickness, so be sure to turn on the air-conditioning vent above your seat.
Try an over-the-counter drug such as Bonine or Dramamine to prevent motion sickness. Take these medications one hour before traveling. Be sure to read the warnings section of the package inserts and do not take these medications if you have any of the medical conditions listed.
Ask your doctor to prescribe a scopolamine patch if you have severe motion sickness. The dime-sized patch is placed behind your ear four hours before you fly, gradually releasing medication into your bloodstream through your skin.
Consider using a wrist band. Wrist bands work by triggering acupressure points in your arm that are said to prevent motion sickness. A basic wrist band consists of a flexible fabric band containing a small round plastic button which presses against the acupressure points. There are also more expensive wrist bands that work by sending electric pulses to the acupressure points.
Try a natural method to cure motion sickness. Some people find taking ginger tablets, drinking ginger ale, or chewing ginger gum or candy to be helpful. Others find that rubbing peppermint oil on their stomachs helps fight motion sickness. Biofeedback has been found to be helpful in some people.