How to Cure Finger Nail Fungus
Keep the nail dry. The toughest thing about getting rid of the fungal infection is keeping the nail away from water. It will only add to the nail's moisture and keep the nail bed wet, where fungi just love to grow. This means when you take a shower, the hand or finger must remain outside of the stall. (Maybe even in a loose plastic bag or rubber glove.) But make sure air can still circulate so that the hand doesn't sweat, thus defeating the whole purpose of leaving the hand outside the shower in the first place. Also, when washing dishes, doing the laundry or any other activity containing water, the hand must be protected in the same way, but wear a rubber glove or loose fitting plastic bag.
Remove nail polish. To cure nail fungus, you must keep the nail exposed to light. Fungi love to grow in dark areas. So once you discover nail fungus, remove all nail polish immediately until you cure the nail.
Try the home remedies. Some people suggest mixing apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in a fifty-fifty solution, soaking the hands for 45 minutes for several days to see if this helps cure the finger nail fungus. Others suggest using a cap full of Clorox bleach in a tall glass of water. Soak your finger in the solution for about a minute and again repeat over several days to see if the fungus is alleviated.
Use topical creams. There are several topical creams which can be found at your local pharmacy. Some may be prescription, so you may have to see a doctor, however the FDA has been becoming more lenient with the topical creams it is approving for over-the-counter use. "Naftin" and "The Toenail and Nail Fungus Treatment" are both reputable brands.
Use Oral Medication. Leucatin and Lamisil are two products which can be taken orally to help cure your finger nail fungus. For Lamisil you will have to make an appointment with your doctor as it is a prescription product.
Remove the nail. This is the last resort, and also not necessarily a cure depending on the kind of fungus you have. Obviously for this step, you will need to be under the advisement of a doctor.