How to Treat Malabsorption
Make an appointment with a specialist for a full workup to try and ascertain the specific cause of malabsorption in your case. You may have to provide a stool sample, or undergo some invasive testing.
Drink water. Water will help flush your system and keep your kidneys working better. Also look into enzyme fortified drinks and supplements.
Avoid foods you can’t digest. Once you have ruled out an allergy, malabsorption is the most likely cause for lactose or gluten intolerance. Some foods may be more readily accepted when eaten in conjunction with others. You have to be active in planning your diet to pinpoint the cause of malabsorption.
Ask your doctor about medication. Depending on your underlying condition, they may be able to prescribe antibiotics for a bacterial infection or anti-inflammatory for conditions such as Crohn's disease.
Replace the lost nutrients with alternate foods and high protein-vitamin supplements. Some patients may require as much as 4,000 calories a day just to maintain a minimum body weight.