How to Manage Pre-Menopause Symptoms
See your doctor for hormone testing. Symptoms reported by women include fatigue, hot flashes, joint and muscle pain, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, mood swings and heart palpitations. Other symptoms include painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, and night sweats. Some women experience a loss of interest in sex during pre-menopause, while others have non-specific complaints that might make pre-menopause difficult to diagnose.
Recognize that pre-menopause can be uncomfortable, but it’s still important to rule out other physical causes of your symptoms. Once you obtain a diagnosis, you can rest easier. Learn to accept that the pre-menopause is a natural occurrence.
Worsening the symptoms of pre-menopause and menopause are high body mass index, chronic infection, antihistamines, antidepressants and insomnia. Actively engage yourself to find treatment for conditions that might exacerbate the problem, such as psychological problems and medication use.
Engage in regular exercise activity. Daily exercise stimulates endorphins, helping with relief of joint pain and sleeplessness. If you are overweight, begin an exercise and weight loss routine that you can continue throughout life.Standardized black cohosh has been found to help women with hot flashes and mood swings, but studies are limited. You may have to experiment with natural remedies, but make sure to follow your doctor's recommendations.Avoid foods that trigger your symptoms. Many women feel worse when eating chocolate or spicy foods. Avoid foods with added chemicals. Consider organic purchases and focus on whole fresh foods.Vaginal estrogen cream can help with painful intercourse and protect from vaginal atrophy. Speak with your doctor.Learn to control stress. It's time to let the small stuff go. Minor annoyances can make symptoms much worse. Take time to for yourself. Engage in activities that are calming.
Speak with your doctor about short-term hormone therapy if the symptoms are unbearable. Your doctor will evaluate the risks and benefits of hormone therapy for pre-menopause and menopause symptoms.