How to Manage Acute Agitation
Know the home remedy limits. There is nothing elaborate that can be done at home to help ease the symptoms of agitation for someone in your care. Some simple modifications may be all you need to diffuse a situation of agitation.
Calm down. Maintain a calm environment at home. Loud televisions, excessive conversation, loud music should be removed.
Treat others who are agitated with ease. Do not attempt to restrain an overly agitated person. This will elevate the agitation.
Communication is key. Allow the person to communicate his feelings and show your genuine concern. This will go a long way in diffusing a situation before it escalates.
Know the cause. Agitation occurs for many reasons including substance withdrawal, caffeine consumption, vitamin deficiency, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Seek a doctor's help. A doctor’s involvement is necessary in cases of prolonged or severe agitation. Agitation on its own is not necessarily a sign of health issues, but if there are other symptoms present it could be a sign of disease.