How to Treat Vasomotor Rhinitis Treatment
Check your symptoms. Vasomotor Rhinitis causes symptoms such as nasal congestion, frontal headache, runny nose, sneezing and a sore throat.
See your doctor. Make an appointment with a physician to discuss your symptoms. Your doctor may also want to perform diagnostic testing to rule out other conditions.
Take your medications. Prescribed medications may include Ipratropium bromide (nasal spray), oral decongestants, nasal corticosteriod sprays, as well as nasal saline spray. Ipratropium bromide helps to clear up congestion due to mucous secretion. Oral decongestants and nasal corticosteriod sprays work to decrease swelling in the nasal passages. They also help to dry up mucous. Nasal saline sprays help to clear and clean up nasal passages.
Consider alternative therapy. Many people with Vasomotor Rhinitis rinse their nasal passages. Others find that meditation helps because the more relaxed they are, the more their symptoms lessen. Some people use eucalyptus oil as an inhalant (aromatherapy). Eucalyptus oil is a strong, essential oil that opens congested airways.