How to Treat Excessive Drooling
Things You'll Need
- Specialist
- Medications
- Surgery
Discover underlying causes and treat them first. In many cases drooling comes from some kind of other condition or disease that can be fixed. Once that is fixed than the drooling no longer poses a problem. A doctor is the only one who can tell you if your drooling is caused by something else.
Work on behavior modification. Children who drool often do so because they do not swallow often enough, and they don't know they are suppose to swallow. Children need to work with a specialist that can help them modify this behavior. Children can learn about their mouths and how their mouths work, how to swallow more, and they can work on their swallowing skills. Behavior specialists and speech therapists are both trained to work on this.
Make use of medical treatments. They make a tablet called Atropine sulfate tablets that reduce salivation. This tablet is generally used along with the behavior modifications. They also recommend Botox injections to reduce drooling, but this is not something you want to do to children.
Undergo surgical procedures. This should be a last resort when all other options have failed. There are surgeries that you can have performed that reduce the amount of saliva that is created. This surgery is not recommended for any child under the age of 6.