How to Identify Symptoms of Gastritis Inflammation
How to Identify Symptoms of Gastritis
Bubbling stomach. If you notice an on-going problem with stomach upset accompanied with pain, you may want to keep track if your problem is food related or possibly gastritis.
Frequent indigestion problems. Everyone at some time or another has a bout with indigestion; however, if you are noticing that you are constantly taking indigestion medications without any major relief your problem is possibly serious.
Decreased appetite. Eating less due to chronic stomach upset, pain and nausea is another symptom of gastritis.
Stabbing pain. A description of gastritis pain is one that seems to go right through your body from front to back. The pain starts in the upper left part of your body and radiates through your back.
Vomiting up unusual substance. Vomiting up a substance that is clear, green, yellow, streaked with blood or all blood is a sign of a severe stomach inflammation that needs immediate medical attention.
Learn uncommon gastritis symptoms. Some less common symptoms of gastritis are sweating with a fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain. Other less common symptoms are bloody bowel movements, or very foul smelling bowel movements.