How to Identify Symptoms Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a condition that results from a uterus that has "dropped" or "fallen" from its normal position in the pelvic girdle. This condition occurs when muscles or ligaments in the pelvic floor grow weak or stretched with age. The result is that the uterus may actually bulge into or even extend beyond the genitalia. While experienced mostly by older women, it is common to women over the age of 40 and may involve the uterus, the uterine ligaments. It is most commonly the result of old age, but may also be caused by obesity or even as the result of a lifetime of heavy lifting. Learn to identify the signs and symptoms of uterine prolapse in order to prevent possible complications such as injury to other pelvic organs, infection or issues with the bladder or bowels.


  1. Prolapse

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      Discovering a lump in front or in back of the birth canal area is often one of the first symptoms of uterine prolapse. Some women may even discover that a lump extends through the birth canal. This symptom may cause discomfort or a sense of pressure in the pelvic area.

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      Lifting any object that weighs over ten pounds may cause back discomfort, which grows worse as objects become heavier.

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      Sensations of pain or discomfort when urinating are another symptom of uterine prolapse, as is incontinence when sneezing, laughing or coughing.

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      Experiencing difficulty with bowel movements may cause constipation caused by a hesitance to evacuate.

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      Engaging in intercourse becomes increasingly difficult and painful.

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