How to Reduce Swollen Ankles
Things You'll Need
- Recliner
- Pillows
- Water
- Compression stockings
Swelling--Mild and Severe; Chronic Edema
Drink plenty of water: Flush your system with lots of water; I know this may seem like the opposite thing to do when you are retaining fluid, but flushing the fluid away with more water is effective and you will soon see a reduction in the swelling.
Elevate your legs above your heart: Sitting in a recliner with it in fully reclined mode, will do wonders for your swollen ankles. If no recliner is available, then lying flat on your bed or the couch with your feet elevated above your heart on pillows will work just as well.
Buy a diuretic: Sometimes diuretics may help with the problem of swollen ankles by ridding the body of excess water. You will find that you need to use the bathroom a lot more than you have been doing. Eat bananas while on a course of diuretics as they may rid the body of potassium as well as fluids.
Wear support hose or socks: Many different products are on the market to alleviate swollen ankles and legs; graduated compression socks or hose, some open-toed for added comfort (recommended), will help with venous insufficiency by helping with blood return. You will find that you can get on with your normal life by wearing compression socks or hose and reduce the time you elevate your legs.
Walk around: Walking about may help with blood flow and reduce the swelling in your legs and ankles but everything in moderation; don't sit or stand in one place for too long. Move your toes and flex your heels every few minutes to improve your circulation.
Visit your physician: Prolonged ankle or leg swelling may be a signal that there is an underlying health problem causing the swelling. An appointment with your physician is wise and will put your mind at rest.