How to Identify Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids may not be the most pleasant subject of discussion, but millions of people suffer from them on a daily basis. Caused by swollen veins in the rectum, they are typically located inside the anal canal, or very close to the opening. Afflicting mainly adults, hemorrhoids often go unnoticed until they cause pain or bleeding upon elimination. Hemorrhoids may come and go, but may cause potential complications if not addressed. Learning to recognize and identify symptoms of hemorrhoids may prevent further episodes as well as to ensure prompt relief through a variety of methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Over-the-counter hemorrhoid products
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      Hemorrhoids are often suspected or noticed if bowel movements cause pain or discharge of blood or other fluids. In cases of rectal bleeding, the blood appears bright red. Darker blood or blood that appears clotted may indicate trouble further up the digestive tract. Bleeding may be minor and appear on the toilet paper, or moderate, to the point it may color the water in the toilet.

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      Itching is another indication of a possible hemorrhoid, especially after a bowel movement has been completed. Some find that soaking in warm water for about 15 minutes a day helps to relieve and soothe burning or itching sensations.

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      Swelling or bumps around the area of the anus may also be noted in some individuals, and may be tender and sore. Some hemorrhoids may cause severe pain, causing an individual to resist elimination, which may result in severe constipation. Call your doctor if elimination is painful.

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      Feelings or sensations that the process of elimination has not been completed often indicate that a hemorrhoid is flaring up.

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      Elimination that causes intense pain or causes heavy rectal bleeding should receive attention. In addition, those who feel a hard lump where a hemorrhoid has been should also visit a physician to engage in further testing to make sure everything is okay.

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