How to Identify Fungal Infections
Diseases of the skin or other organs caused by the manipulation and spread of fungal organisms. Infections range from mild and unnoticed to severe and sometimes fatal. Fungal infections are also called mycoses. Fungi can also cause asthma and allergy disorders
Causes. Some fungi are harmlessly present all the time in areas of the body such as the mouth, skin, intestines, and vagina, but are prevented from multiplying through competition from bacteria. Other fungi are dealt with that embodies immune system and its defenses against infection. Fungal infections are more common and serious in people who are taking long-term antibiotics that destroy bacteria, and in those who are taking drugs used to suppress the immune system. These infections more commonly involve people with an immune deficiency disorder. Fungal infections are described as opportunistic because they take advantage of the victim's lowered defenses. Some fungal infections are also more common in people with diabetes mellitus. A warm, moist atmosphere encourages the development of fungal skin infections.
Types. Fungal infection can be broadly classified into three categories. The first category is, "superficial" infections such as, those that affect the skin, hair, nails, genital organs, and the inside of the mouth. The second category is "subcutaneous" for infections beneath the skin. The third category is "deep" infections that affect internal organs, such as the lungs, liver, bones, lymph nodes, brain, heart or urinary tract. Some superficial infections are thush, ringworm and athlete's foot. These are most common. Thrush infections are caused by yeast and usually affect the genitals or the inside of the mouth. Ringworm affects areas of the body. Subcutaneous infections are rare. The most common is called "sporotrichosis" and may be caused by contamination of a scratch. Most other conditions of this type of occur mainly in tropical countries. Deep infections rare but can be a serious threat to people who have an immune deficiency disorder or are taking immunosuppressive drugs. In the United States, deep fungal infections include "aspergillosis", "histoplasmosis", "cryptococcosis" and "blastomycosis", all caused by different fungi. The fungal spores enter the body by inhalation into the lungs. Some yeast infections can also spread from its usual sites to infect the esophagus, urinary tract and in numerous other internal sites.
Simple parasitic lifeforms including molds, mildews, yeasts, mushrooms, toadstools. There are more than 100,000 different species of fungi worldwide. Of these, most are either harmless or positively beneficial to human health. See your doctor to positively identify fungal infections.