How to Spot Pinched Nerve Symptoms
A pinched nerve can be caused by trauma, strain or disease. A pinched nerve can be quite painful and may cause loss of movement. Symptoms may occur in an area other than where the nerve is pinched so it is important to know how to recognize a pinched nerve. Since nerves run throughout the body a pinched nerve can occur anywhere. Treatment of a pinched nerve may include anti-inflammatory drugs, ice for swelling and rest. In some cases physical therapy or surgery may be required.Instructions
Pain is usually the most easily recognized and notable symptom. It is often a shooting pain. A burning sensation often accompanies pain.
Numbness and a tingling sensation also occur. The tingling sensation feels somewhat like the pins and needles sensation that is felt when a limb falls asleep, so to speak.
Loss of movement or muscle function, weakness and muscle spasms may result from a pinched nerve.