How to Know if You are Suffering From the Measles
Know if you have had contact with a person with a measles infection. The incubation period is generally 10-14 days.
Identify the "prodrome." The prodrome usually lasts for 2 to 3 days. This state involves fever, malaise, anorexia, conjunctivitis, coryza and cough. May also include lacrimation (tearing), photophobia, respiratory symptoms, or Koplik's spots (these are 1 to 3 mm whitish, grayish or bluish elevations seen inside the cheek opposite to the molar teeth).
Look for the measles rash. The characteristic rash begins on the face and spreads towards the neck, upper trunk, lower trunk and extremities. The palms and soles are not involved.
Notice clinical improvement within 48 hours of the appearance of the rash. It begins to fade and change to a brown color, then flakes.
Order laboratory tests. Your health-care provider will subject you to the following tests: blood counts; serological tests (anti-measles IgM, anti-measles IgG; culture of the virus from blood cells, respiratory secretions, conjunctival swabs, or urine; chest radiography; biopsy samples of lymph nodes; and cytologic examination of nasal secretions.