How to Be Cool About Having Tonsils Removed
Talk to your doctor. Make sure you understand why they're removing your tonsils and what the procedure involves. Usually, they use general anesthesia for pain relief (they knock you out) during the procedure.
Speak to your doctor about the recovery time. Find out how long you'll be in the hospital for, if you're in the hospital at all, and what potential risks there are. Talk about how long you'll be out of school or work and how long it'll be before you can resume normal activities.
Find out about the risks. In general, the risks include complications due to general anesthesia and bleeding and infection. While these risks are frustrating if they occur, they're rarely life threatening.
Plan to eat soft foods for about a week to 10 days after the surgery. One of the nice things about getting your tonsils removed is that doctors recommend sweet, frozen foods such as ice cream popsicles and slushees to improve healing.
Remember that your doctor wouldn't be recommending a tonsillectomy unless you actually needed it. Chances are your health will improve and you'll feel better long term after getting your tonsils out.