How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids
Have your doctor perform a rubber band ligation on your hemorrhoid. Allow him to tie a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid to cut off its blood supply, causing the tissue to die and fall off.
Ask your physician to use injection sclerotherapy on your hemorrhoid. Have her inject your hemorrhoid with a chemical that kills it. Use injection sclerotherapy on small internal hemorrhoids to replace your hemorrhoid with scar tissue that keeps the anal tissue from extending into the anal canal.
Use infrared photocoagulation (coagulation therapy) to get rid of hemorrhoids. Allow your doctor to blast your hemorrhoid with a beam of infrared light to form scars at the base of the hemorrhoid. This procedure stops the blood flow to your hemorrhoid and kills it.
Go in for a hemorrhoidectomy, a surgical removal of your hemorrhoid. Get either a general or spinal anesthesia before your doctor cuts into the tissue surrounding your hemorrhoid. He cuts the hemorrhoid away after tying off its blood vessel to prevent bleeding.
Get your hemorrhoid stapled. See your doctor to let her lay the hemorrhoid along the anal tissue and staple it into place. This procedure prevents the hemorrhoid from protruding into the anal canal.