How to Fix an Atrial Septal Defect
Discuss the repair options with your cardiologist once the existence of an ASD has been confirmed with an echocardiogram. There are risks associated with either the surgical method or the catherization method.
Determine if you are a candidate for the catherization method. If your heart does not have enough tissue around the hole to secure the umbrella-like device, you may not be able to undergo the catherization procedure.
Review the benefits of the cardiac catherization procedure with your doctor. It is not necessary to cut through your chest wall, which leaves a long and permanent scar. With catherization your hospital stay is often just overnight, and you experience only minor pain at the entrance site for a short time compared to the painful recovery with surgery through the chest wall.
Undergo the catherization procedure which involves a small incision in the upper leg. Instruments and an umbrella-like device are fed through your artery to your heart. Then the umbrella-like device is opened inside the heart and placed over the hole.
Begin taking blood thinner medication to prevent blood clots that could cause a stroke. This medication will need to be taken for some time after the procedure.
Follow up your catherization procedure with one or more echocardiograms over the next year to check that the device is securely in place.