How to Diagnose Cauda Equina Syndrome
Notice the pain in your back and legs. You feel the pain especially in your lower back. The pain in your legs normally radiates down from the lower back.
Examine your other symptoms. A person with cauda equina syndrome also has urinary problems and constipation. You may also notice numbness in the pelvic and rectal areas of the body.
Call your doctor right away. If you have severe pain and experience several other signs of cauda equina syndrome, you need to get medical attention right away. If your doctor is unavailable, go to the emergency room.
Allow the doctor to evaluate your symptoms. The doctor will first do a physical exam to test your reflexes and your ability to feel pain.
Get radiology studies done. X-rays and MRIs are used to check the nerve roots and find the ones that are being compressed. The doctor uses these results to give you a definitive diagnosis and plan your treatment.