How to Explain Werewolf Syndrome
Understand that hypertrichosis is a very misunderstood disorder of unwanted hair all over the body. It is usually a genetic disorder that is inherited or occurs as a spontaneous mutation.
Realize that Werewolf Syndrome is rare, affecting 1 in about 340 million people.
Learn that certain drugs can cause an increase in hair growth and that some excessive hair growth is related to cancer. Some drugs that may cause excessive hair growth include Diazoxide, oral Phenytoin, Ciclosporin and Minoxidil. Also untreated malnutrition as seen in anorexia also can cause unusual hair growth. These conditions are known as acquired hypertrichosis.
Know there is no cure for Werewolf Syndrome. The only treatment is cosmetic. The hair may be bleached or temporarily removed by waxing or permanently removed by methods such as electrolysis or laser destruction of the hair follicles.
Explain that the condition of hypertrichosis is usually always associated with teeth defects and excess gum growth. This is one reason individuals with hypertrichosis are referred to as werewolves, wolf-men and ape-men.