How to Recover From a Severe Hangover
Cancel appointments. The truth is, when you're battling a severe hangover, you are one sick puppy. Don't even try to make it to work or other commitments when there's a chance you could throw up all over someone, or at the least, look like a complete idiot. In some severe cases, you may still be drunk the next morning, so suck up any regrets you may have and keep yourself at home.
Get plenty of sleep. Hangovers are best experienced when you're not awake, and sleep is essential to getting your body back to its normal state. During a hangover, your internal organs are working overtime trying to get your body back to where it should be. Resting provides it with the energy to do so. Even if you have a busy day ahead, or responsibilities you just can't shake, try taking a nap for a least a few hours.
Drink lots and lots of water. Even if you feel like intaking anything will make you sick. The sick feelings associated with being hungover are proof that your body is severely dehydrated.
Protect your stomach. Among other damage, a large intake of alcohol can irritate your stomach's lining. Protect its sensitivity by insulating the stomach with a protective coat. A bland dairy product, such as plain yogurt, or Pepto Bismol are great choices.
Carb up. You'll need to replenish lost nutrients. Starchy carbs are usually a great option for gently reintroducing your body to vitamin-rich foods. Try breads and light, sodium-heavy snacks such as potato chips and pretzels.
Take a warmth bath. Sitting and steaming out the toxins can help put your body on the road to recovery in addition to serving as a therapeutic part of recovery.
Think it through before taking any over-the-counter medications. A combination of drugs and alcohol can wreak havoc on your liver, and others such as aspirin and ibuprofen can make your stomach feel even worse.