How to Find Community Assistance for Cerebral Palsy
Find Community Assistance Programs for People With Cerebral Palsy
Include social workers on your child's early intervention team to work with occupational, physical and speech therapists. Social workers can help put you and your child in touch with community assistance and education programs that can put her on track for improved success in school.
Find community assistance respite programs through local chapters of non-profit organizations, churches and community centers. Respite gives cerebral palsy caregivers and families a temporary break by providing activities and care for the person with cerebral palsy.
Find community assistance programs for education and scholarships through local services organizations. Most cerebral palsy scholarship programs are community-based and can provide funds for school and summer camp.
Access community assistance programs in education, housing, vocational training and respite care through local chapters of United Cerebral Palsy. Find local chapters by visiting the United Cerebral Palsy website and entering your state in the search bar on the homepage (see Resources below).
Gain access to community assistance programs in housing, health, transportation, education, employment and benefits through (see Resources below). Click on the subject tab, then choose your state.
Find community-based arts assistance programs through local art councils, universities and community colleges. Artists with disabilities are encouraged to develop their talents through programs in art, writing and media. Find links to arts assistance programs across the nation at the Kennedy Center website (see Resources below).
Take advantage of low-interest loans for assistive technology products that can improve communication, mobility and learning for those affected with cerebral palsy. Most states provide a program that makes loans available to buy wheelchairs, communication boards and computers.