How to Treat Hyperhidrosis
Rule out other medical conditions. See your physician who will take a medical history, complete an exam and do blood work. This will help rule out other conditions which may cause an increase in sweating such as hyperthyroidism.
Apply an ointment. Over the counter product are sold which may help mild hyperhidrosis. Look for products that contain aluminum chloride. They help dry up sweat glands. Some individuals may develop a rash as a side effect.
Take medications. Since it is believed to be a problem with the sympathetic nervous system which regulates our body temperature, medications which affect this system may help. Some physicians prescribe antidepressants, sedatives or beta blockers.
Try electrical stimulation. A small battery powered device is used to send an electrical stimulation to the affected area of the body. This is thought to interfere with sweat production. Treatments are needed several times a week to be effective.
Get an injection. Botox is not just for wrinkles. To treat hyperhidrosis it is injected into the area affected. The toxins may be able to block nerves which stimulate sweating. Treatment usually needs to be repeated in six months.
Undergo surgery. If hyperhidrosis is severe and other treatments have not worked surgery may be an option. A specific part of the sympathetic nerve may be clipped or removed. With technological advances this surgery is able to be performed through an endoscope.