How to Cope with Hemorrhoids
Visit your primary care physician who can examine you and decide if you need to see a specialist.
Find a physician who specializes in problems dealing with the anus. A gastroenterologist or proctologist knows what to look for in diagnosing the severity of hemorrhoids and how to best treat the hemorrhoid problem.
Understand that some hemorrhoids can be treated at home and will shrink, while other cases require in-office treatments like infrared coagulation which uses heat to shrink the hemorrhoid. Surgery may be required for more serious hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation and surgical hemorrhoidectomy are the most common surgery options.
Treat hemorrhoids at home with a warm sitz bath, soaking your bottom for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Over-the-counter corticosteroids ointments help to soothe itching and creams with lidocaine minimize pain. Witch hazel also helps to reduce swelling.
Prevent future hemorrhoids by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day and eating a diet high in fiber. If your eating habits don't include enough fiber, take a dietary supplement.