How to Repair a Cleft Palate
Schedule your child for surgery between the ages of six to 18 months. The wait is necessary to ensure the health of the child. The surgery is performed under general anesthetics, after which he will stay for two to three days (the first day spent in the ICU) so the team of specialists can monitor his progress.
Determine the severity of the cleft. It may be a small opening in the back of the mouth or separate the entire palate. The surgeon incises each side of the palate and draws the edges together, joining them in the center of the mouth. Depending on the extent of the damage more surgeries may be performed to prevent problems with speech, breathing and eating.
Ensure the child is able to breathe properly after the surgery. Often a tube is inserted into the nose to remedy breathing problems. Tubes are placed in the eardrums to prevent infections, allowing liquids to drain properly. The child will not be able to eat or drink properly for a few days, so an IV is needed to replace needed fluids. Medications are used to ease any pain.
Prepare for the eventuality of further surgeries to allow proper dental and facial formation. If the cleft is severe more surgeries may be needed, as the child grows older. The most common complication after the surgery is bleeding, which is treated with specialized instruments and medication to stop the blood flow.
Be aware that for many years your child will require constant monitoring for the physical and mental problems accompanying the presence of a cleft palate. Speech therapy is needed along with therapy to address the possible emotional issues that attend the presence of a cleft palate. With the proper medical and therapeutic help and nurturing, the child can live a normal, happy life.