How to Live With Fibromyalgia
Try over-the-counter drugs, which have been approved by your doctor. Use acetaminophen to help joint stiffness and overall pain. Use ibuprofen or aspirin to help with inflammation.
Take antidepressants if they are prescribed for you. Ask your doctor whether the newer antidepressants that help patients with both depression and pain could help you live better with fibromyalgia.
Get a prescription for muscle relaxants. Use this medication to help you relax and stay out of pain long enough to get recuperative sleep.
Ask your doctor about anti-seizure medications that may be helpful. Consider these drugs carefully to make sure the benefits outweigh the possible side effects.
Exercise regularly to help with the pain. Keep exercising, even though it will cause more pain in the beginning. Stick with a gentle exercise regimen of walking or other non-strenuous activity that will help you to deal with the pain and stiffness long term.
Keep trying different treatments to find one that works. Use different combinations of over-the-counter and prescription remedies, along with a regular schedule of exercise.
Reduce stress and learn to relax. Reducing stress has been shown to reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia.