How to Live With PCOS
Talk to your doctor to find out if medication if necessary. Aside from the normal symptoms, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome may also make glucose levels fluctuate causing insulin resistance.
Confront fertility problems if becoming pregnant has become an area of concern. With the help of a fertility specialist you may find there is a drug that could increase your chances of getting pregnant or that surgery is a viable option for you to jump start ovulation.
Consider the birth control pill if you do not want to get pregnant. The pill can help regulate your menstrual cycle and get you back on track. It may also help with male hormone levels that may be causing you to have excess facial hair.
Keep your diet and nutrition a top priority! Lifestyle changes (even moderate) can improve symptoms of PCOS and reduce chances for future complications.
Stay active! Find an exercise program that you enjoy and stick to it. Implement a stretching routine in the morning and you'll feel uplifted and ready to start the day!
Join a support group for people who suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. You may find other ways to cope with situations that might be affecting you. If severe depression is an issue, seek additional professional counseling right away.