How to Be an Organ Donor
Things You'll Need
- Organ Donor Form
Get the facts about organ donation. 4,800 people died last year waiting for an organ. Organ donation is painless and won't cost your family a penny.
Make sure your family understands that you want to donate your organs. If and when the time comes for your family to face these issues, you'll be unable to communicate your wishes to them, so it's important for them to know beforehand.
Call The Living Bank at (800) 528-2971. They serve as an organ donation education center and a national organ registry.
Request an organ donor form, and fill it out when it arrives.
Ask two witnesses to sign your donor form. The witnessed signatures make the donor form a legal and binding document.
Keep in mind, in many states you can sign up to be an organ donor when you renew your driver's license. However, a donor card is often more effective in making sure hospital personnel know your wishes.
Understand that if you fill out an organ donor form, you can always revoke it at a later date. Be sure to inform your family, too, if you change your mind.