What Are the Signs of ITP?
Purpura is one of the most telltale symptoms of ITP. Purpura describes bruising and bleeding too easily. People who have ITP may also bleed for much longer periods of time compared with other people. For example, if a person with ITP scrapes his knee on the ground after a minor fall, he likely will bleed for longer than just five minutes. Bruising is especially common on the lower legs and arms.
The appearance of small red spots all over the body can also point to the presence of ITP. These little spots may look similar to skin rashes, and usually show up in clusters. The spots are referred to medically as "petechiae," and are caused by bleeding and destroyed blood vessels from directly below the skin. The spots are also occasionally purplish in tone.
If a person frequently experiences unexplained nosebleeds (also known as epistaxis), that also could point to ITP.
The presence of blood inside of urine is also a symptom of ITP. Bloody urine is called hematuria.
Menstrual Periods
For women, one indication of ITP is longer and stronger menstrual flow during periods. If a woman notices that her period is heavier and more persistent than usual, ITP could be the culprit.
Random Bleeding
Random and unexplained bleeding also is associated with ITP, particularly from either the nose, inside of the mouth or the gums.
General Discomfort
People with ITP also may experience intense feelings of fatigue and loss of energy, as well. Along with fatigue, ITP can also bring upon sleeping issues (such as restless sleeping and insomnia), bodily aches, irritability, mood swings and depression, difficulty concentrating and lightheadedness.