The Symptoms of Contamination From a Sewage Overflow
Sewage is made up of a wide range of bacteria, viruses and other germs and severely contaminates any area it contacts. The exact symptoms from sewage overflow depend on the types of germs that are specific to that batch of sewage. However, the most common gastrointestinal symptoms tend to include nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
Symptoms in humans exposed to sewage overflow change depending on the method of contact. If sewage is accidentally ingested, symptoms will usually appear in the form of a variety of gastrointestinal illnesses. These include mild gastroenteritis, fatigue, cholera and forms of hepatitis. These initial problems can then lead to further complications, including strokes.
Skin Contact
Contacting sewage with the skin can also result in a number of symptoms. These tend to include skin rashes and skin infections. A good indicator of the level of bacteria and other germs in sewage tend to be the amount of human solids included in the waste. Generally, the more human solids included in an amount of sewage, the faster it needs to be cleaned and sanitized.
Symptoms of sewage contamination rarely include any respiratory problems. Fecal matter supports most germ and microbial life only when wet, when it is rarely transmitted through the air. By the time this matter dries out, is disturbed, then transmitted through the air, most of the germs, viruses and bacteria would be dead