How do you remove a lisp I have with the letter S i know theres therapy for it but just time could there be surgery?

Speech therapy is the most effective treatment for a lisp, as it can help you to learn how to produce the "s" sound correctly. It typically involves exercises to strengthen the muscles in your tongue and mouth, as well as practice saying the "s" sound in different words and sentences. In some cases, speech therapy may also include the use of a device called a tongue depressor or bite block, which can help to position your tongue and teeth in the correct position to produce the "s" sound.

Surgery is only recommended in rare cases when speech therapy has been unsuccessful. Surgery for a lisp typically involves removing or repositioning the frenulum, which is a small piece of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. In some cases, surgery may also be necessary to correct a structural abnormality in the jaw or teeth that is causing the lisp.

Over time, some lisps may improve without treatment, especially in children. However, it is important to seek treatment for a lisp early on, as it can become more difficult to treat the longer it persists.

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