Reasons for Stinky Feet
Sweating is the body's natural way of cooling itself, but there are some circumstances where people sweat in greater amounts than they need. Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive perspiration. Hyperhidrosis usually affects the hands, soles of the feet and the underarms. Symptoms of hyperhidrosis usually appear before age 20 and can be caused by a number of factors. Treating the underlying factors, medication and, in some cases, surgery can help cure hyperhidrosis.
When you wear shoes for long periods of time, sweat can become trapped in them, causing bacteria to form. Regularly wash your shoes and let them completely dry out before you wear them again, as the moisture can cause bacteria. Also, switching out what shoes you wear every couple of days can let your shoes dry out and keep them from being as smelly. Another possible solution is to go barefoot when you are in your home, allowing both your feet and your shoes to breathe. When you aren't wearing your shoes, it can help to put them in a place where the sun shines on them. Regularly put foot powder or talc in your shoes and on your feet, and look into inserts that can be purchased and placed in your shoes to absorb sweat.
Wearing moist, dirty socks can cause smelly feet. Change socks at least once a day and wash them after each wearing. Especially change socks after doing strenuous activity like exercising or working outside. Choose socks made out of good materials like cotton, wool or linen to help your feet breathe.
Dirty Feet
Shower at least once a day and wash your feet with anti-bacterial soap to fight against smelly feet. Don't scrub too hard, though, as it can cause skin irritation. Also, let your feet dry or dry them with a towel before putting on socks or shoes so the moisture doesn't get trapped in them.