How to Kill Pinworms
Things You'll Need
- Mebendazole
- Albendazole
- Pyrantel
- Anti-itch medication
- Nail clipper
- Soap
- Water
- Underwear
- Washer
Treat everyone within your home for roundworm, even if symptoms aren't present, recommends the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Preventative methods should be taken to avoid reinfection, especially if you have children within your household.
Get medications prescribed by your doctor. Medications include mebendazole, pyrantel and albendazole. Ask your doctor to prescribe you an anti-itch medication to alleviate the symptom.
Take one dose of the combined medications, followed by another single dose two weeks after, suggests the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Observe hand hygiene. Trim your nails and frequently wash your hands while undergoing treatment. This can prevent the spread of infection.
Remove pinworm eggs by taking showers. Wash your body daily, preferably in a shower. This helps remove pinworm eggs. Avoid washing your children in a bath at the same time, to prevent contamination of their bathwater. Change your underwear daily, especially during treatments.