How to Get Rid of Gas Bubbles
Things You'll Need
- Antacids or anti-gas pills
- Food journal
- Digestive aid
Take over-the-counter antacid or anti-gas medications to eliminate gas bubbles in the stomach. Look for antacids or anti-gas medicines containing simethicone that reduce gas.
Limit foods that cause gas bubbles such as beans, broccoli, peaches or cabbage. Avoid chewing gum or drinking carbonated beverages that introduce air into the stomach. Keep a food journal if unsure of the foods that contribute to the gas bubbles. The journal helps you isolate which foods trigger air in the stomach so you may eliminate or reduce them from your diet.
Avoid drinking or eating too quickly, as you swallow larger quantities of air when eating fast as opposed to eating slow. Do not drink from a straw which also introduces air bubbles into the stomach.
Take an over-the-counter digestive aid before eating gassy foods. The medication stops gas bubbles from forming.
See your doctor if over-the-counter medications or limiting foods fail to help reduce gas bubbles. Acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome may cause air bubbles and requires a prescription medication to eliminate the problem.