How to Clean a Trach
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Towel
- Sterile gloves
- 1/2 strength hydrogen peroxide
- Bowl
- Tracheostomy brush
- Paper towel
- Disposable inner cannula
- Suction machine
Non-Disposable Cannula
Sterilize your hands. Lather your hands with soap and rinse your hands. Use a clean towel to dry them. Put your sterile gloves on.
Remove your inner cannula. Combine equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in one bowl.
Use your tracheostomy brush to gently clean the inside of your inner cannula. Rinse the tubing to clear out debris. Soak the tubing in the mixture and repeat the process of cleaning with your tracheostomy brush until your tubing is clean.
Place your cannula tubing on a paper towel to air dry. After drying, lock your inner cannula into place. You can feel when it clicks, according to the SUNY Upstate Medical University.
Disposable Cannula
Cleanse your hands, dry them and put on your sterile gloves. Remove a new inner cannula from your disposable packaging.
Take out your old inner cannula. Place the new inner cannula into your trach plate.
Lock your new inner cannula into place. Throw out your old cannula tubing.