What Are the Dangers of Roundworms?
Larva Migrans
When roundworm larvae begin to migrate to your tissues or organs, this is known as larva migrans. Roundworms such as trichinella can cause larvae to perforate your intestinal wall. Once they breach the intestines, the larvae will begin to burrow into your lungs or liver. Usually, cases of trichinellosis can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other flu-like symptoms. In very severe cases, complications such as meningitis and pneumonia can develop, notes the Mayo Clinic. Only in severe cases can death ensue. Trichinellosis occurs through the ingestion of meat infected with trichinella eggs.
Ocular Disease
Toxocara roundworms Toxocara canis (dogs) and T. cati (cats) can cause ocular toxocariasis in infected individuals. Toxocariasis infections cause swelling around your eyes and retinal damage. Scarring around your retina can occur. Toxocariasis can also lead to blindness when the roundworms enter your eye, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Intestinal Damage
Ascaris roundworms can cause intestinal disease, leading to blockages and perforation of your intestinal wall. Blockage of the intestines will create abdominal pain and vomiting. If the roundworms succeed in breaking through your intestinal wall, possible hemorrhaging can develop. Appendicitis can also develop. In children, ascariasis infections will cause nutritional deficiencies. Children with heavy infestations will lose their appetite, and absorption of vitamins through foods won't occur. As a result, children can become severely malnourished. Ascaris eggs are passed through fecal waste, which transfers to humans through unsanitary conditions, such as unwashed hands.
Other Medical Issues
Other species of roundworms include hookworms and whipworms. Hookworm infections can cause anemia and affect the physical growth of children. Children heavily infected with hookworms may also suffer from mental development issues, notes the CDC. Hookworm infections usually occur when you walk over soil infected with hookworm eggs. Whipworm infections, also known as trichuriasis, can cause frequent and painful diarrhea. In severe cases, rectal prolapse can occur, whereby the tissue lining of your rectum falls out of your anal opening. In children, whipworm infections can cause anemia, and stunt growth and cognitive impairment. Whipworm infections are transmitted through unsanitary conditions.