How to Avoid Stuttering

Stuttering is a speech condition that is characterized by the repetition and prolonging of words, syllables and sounds. These factors can lead to the disruption of normal speech flow. Scientists do not entirely understand the causes of stuttering, although it is believed to be associated with family history. According to The Stuttering Foundation, boys are much more likely than girls to experience the disorder. No cure yet exists for stuttering, although there are several ways in which sufferers can reduce it.


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      Keep your mouth closed until you know exactly what you wish to say. One way in which to avoid stuttering is by simply not talking until you have planned out your exact words. Before verbalizing, think. Remember that it is preferable think before your words instead of after.

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      Visualize before talking. Before talking, make an attempt to clearly visualize the spelling of the word you wish to say. Envision how many letters are in the word, how long the word is and how exactly it is supposed to be pronounced.

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      Do some warm-up exercises. When you know that you are probably going to have to do a lot of talking, it can be helpful to do some warm-ups beforehand. One exercise to try involves repeating the "long vowel" sounds several times, gently and slowly, for approximately one minute. Listen to your voice as you participate in this exercise. Afterward, read aloud a poem or short story that you like. Make an effort to breathe easily and begin new sentences gently. Keep going for roughly five minutes.

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      Talk in a slow manner, With stuttering, one of the biggest dangers is speaking rapidly. To avoid stuttering, talk slowly without rushing. Forcing yourself to talk only can lead to more stuttering.

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      Take deep breaths. To prepare to say a word that is particularly difficult or that makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason, keep yourself calm, take a big breath and focus on enunciation and clarity.

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      Sing your speech. Although it might sound kind of silly, singing out your words can also help you in avoiding stuttering. This is effective in taking the focus off of speaking and instead, putting it onto singing. Singing the words puts less focus on them, and instead puts the focus on the overall message.

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