How to Test for Clostridium Botulinum
Things You'll Need
- Blood test
- Stool sample
- CT scan
- Spinal tap
- Tensilon test
See a doctor who specializes in neurology or infectious diseases. Tell your doctor when your symptoms appeared.
Undergo a physical examination. Let your doctor know if you have any wounds on your body. Allow him to check you for weakness and drooping eyelids, potential signs of botulism.
Give a blood sample. A blood sample can identify botulism toxins. Alternatively, give a tissue sample if you have a wound. Since a healthcare worker may need to insert a swab into your wound to sufficiently get a tissue sample, you may experience pain. Alert your healthcare worker if your pain becomes unbearable.
Submit a stool sample. When collecting your sample, avoid including toilet paper or urine.
Get a detailed image of your brain. Get a CT scan if you develop seizures and muscle weakness. A CT scan examines your brain to differentiate between botulism and stroke.
Proceed with a spinal tap when your doctor wants to determine the cause of your illness. The test examines the cerebral spinal fluid for botulism toxins.
Take a Tensilon test to determine if you suffer from myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular disease. The test can also help your doctor identify if you suffer from other conditions. Follow your doctors directions, as he administers Tensilon and asks you to perform repetitive movements with your muscles.