Fatigue Management Tips
Holistic Medicine Techniques
Yoga is designed to unite the mind, body and spirit to promote wellness. Many patients suffering from cancer will experience chronic fatigue symptoms during and after treatment. Experts at BreastCancer.org indicate that such holistic treatments as acupuncture, which uses hair-thin, sterile needles inserted into the skin to increase energy and reduce nausea and stress, can help manage fatigue.
Massage and Reiki treatments are also holistic procedures that can be done periodically to help relax fatigue sufferers and boost their energy. Some people have found relief in learning meditation, tai chi and yoga, which help practitioners tap into their inner resources to fight fatigue.
Cardiovascular exercise should be adjusted to the abilities of the participant. While many fatigue sufferers may think they lack the energy to exercise, experts at the Multiple Sclerosis Society say that appropriate forms of exercise can help reduce stress, increase energy levels and decrease the deconditioning that the body may be experiencing from inactivity. Moderate cardiovascular exercise and resistance training can reduce symptoms.
However, MSS cautions that an exercise program should to be appropriate for the patient's capabilities and limitations, so she should consult her doctor before beginning one.
Vitamin C, found in such fruits as pineapple, oranges and strawberries, combats fatigue. Even though a single food cannot solve the problem of chronic fatigue, some nutritional sources can help the body manage it, according to a 2010 article on Fox News. A meal of complex carbohydrates and protein, such as steel-cut oatmeal and egg whites, will help the body digest more slowly and avoid a spike of glucose into the blood that leads to a temporary energy boost and inevitable crash.
"The Dr. Oz Show" says citrus foods, such as pineapples, have vitamin C, which helps fight fatigue. However, you should avoid such foods as hummus that contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that causes drowsiness.
Expert Support
Wheelchairs can be useful in conserving energy for larger task requirements. A significant part of managing fatigue is getting help and a proper diagnosis. Your doctor is a key part of relieving your symptoms and helping you understand your limitations. Consult your doctor and be candid about your lifestyle habits, such as sleep, exercise and nutrition.
There are medications that can help reduce such fatigue symptoms as pain and nausea. An occupational therapist my be prescribed to help teach energy-management techniques. Your physician also may suggest using assist devices, such as carts with wheels to facilitate transporting items or a wheelchair to cover large distances.