Techniques to Help Remember How You Lost Things
Calm Down
Don't look for the object. Although your first instinct is to tear your house apart out of panic, you may really lose the object if you turn your house into a natural disaster. Instead, calm down and leave the situation alone for a bit while you collect your thoughts. Go to a place of comfort and sit down for a minute. Remind yourself that the lost object won't ruin your life as, odds are, it probably won't.
The Usual
Look in places where you usually put the object. Even though you don't remember hanging up your slacks, they could be tucked neatly in line with the rest of the clothes in your closet. In addition to your normal locations, consider other logical, alternative places. For example, your slacks could be in the hamper, the dryer or at the dry cleaners.
Last Time
Think back to the last time that you saw or used the object. Perhaps, without thinking, you left the object in a random place becaue you were in a hurry. Retrace your steps as accurately as you can. Recreate the scene of the day that you last saw your item; you may realize that you may have moved the item to another place altogether.
In Your Face
Look right in front of you. Check all of the places that you have already looked again. Because your mind is racing, the object may have been right in front of you but didn't register. Calm yourself and start your search over. Look under or near places that the object is usually located. Sometimes things fall off of shelves or end up at the bottom of a drawer due to the shuffle.
Look Everywhere
Look everywhere that you can think of calmly. Don't tear your place apart; instead, logically conduct a search of the entire area, room by room if necessary. Maybe the object was taken by the dog or the children while you weren't looking. Be sure to replace items as you examine them to prevent future items from being misplaced.