Reasons for Weakness & Fatigue
Physical overexertion occurs when too much activity has been done in a short period of time. Muscles may become weak after long or intense workouts, such as hiking, biking or running long distances. Fatigue may occur when you are overworked, stressed or lacking sleep. Weakness and fatigue due to overexertion usually goes away after a few days of rest or when the stressful situation resolves itself.
Acute Illnesses
Many short-term illnesses may cause weakness and fatigue. Examples include infectious diseases such as the common cold, influenza and mononucleosis, as well as conditions such as anemia, which can be treated or resolved on their own in a short period of time. These types of weakness and fatigue disappear when you have recovered from the illness.
Chronic Illnesses
One of the primary reasons it is so important to have persistent weakness and fatigue diagnosed by a doctor is because both symptoms are present in many serious, long-term or chronic illnesses. These include thyroid and adrenal disorders, coronary artery disease, heart failure, diabetes, metabolic disorders and kidney and liver disease. In chronic illnesses, weakness and fatigue may be temporary or persistent, and in some cases, such as thyroid disorders, may be managed or improved with treatment.
Medication Side Effects
Weakness and fatigue are side effects of certain medications, such as cholesterol medications and some antidepressants. Keep in mind that medications may affect individuals differently, so you may experience different side effects than others. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are concerned a medication is causing your weakness and fatigue.