Foods That Prevent Iron Absorption
Black and Green Tea
The tannins found in teas play a key role in preventing iron from being absorbed in foods. Drinking black or green tea with a meal significantly reduces the body's ability to absorb the natural iron in the foods eaten. It is recommended that black and green teas be avoided for at least two hours after eating.
Dairy Products
Dairy products, such as milk, eggs and cheese, have been linked to issues with the absorption of iron. The real culprit appears to be the calcium that is a natural part of dairy products. It is recommended that calcium supplements not be taken with meals -- just to be safe.
Breads and Cereals
The phytates or phytic acids found in whole grains are linked to decreased iron absorption. Bread and cereal are foods made with whole grains, and consumption of these foods create the risk of preventing iron absorption. Some nuts, seeds and beans also have phytates or phytic acids and may cause iron absorption issues. Soaking beans for eight or more hours is an effective strategy to reduce the amount of phytates they contain.
Spinach is high in iron unless it is consumed with other foods that reduce its absorption. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that 1 cup of spinach has the potential of providing the body with 3.5 mg. of iron. It is the oxalic acid in spinach that affects the absorption of iron. For spinach to provide all of its potential iron, it has to be eaten in combination with foods such as meat, oranges, strawberries and broccoli.
Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is a leafy, green vegetable that is typically high in iron. This vegetable is like spinach in that it needs be combined with other foods so the body can absorb the iron it contains and prevent iron deficiency. Foods high in citric acid support the iron absorption in Swiss chard. Oranges, strawberries and broccoli are effective companion foods when eating Swiss chard.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a good source of a number of vital nutritional elements such as vitamin A and antioxidants. Sweet potatoes contain oxalic acid, which is known to prevent iron absorption. Eating foods high in citric acid helps the body absorb the iron. If you have a tendency toward being iron deficient or anemic, avoid sweet potatoes.