How to Get Rid of a Twitch
Muscle Twitches
See your doctor if you experience persistent, troublesome muscle twitching, such as a twitch that lasts for three or more days. If you experience accompanying symptoms, such as muscle weakness or a loss of sensation, he will likely run tests to rule out a more serious, underlying condition. These may include damage to the nerves, Lou Gehrig's disease or muscular dystrophy.
Talk to your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking, as certain drugs can cause muscle twitching. These can include corticosteroids, estrogen or diuretics.
Discuss your typical diet with your doctor or a dietitian; he may run tests to check for vitamin or mineral deficiencies. An insufficient amount of certain nutrients, like magnesium, calcium or vitamin D may result in muscle twitching.
Reduce your caffeine intake or avoid it altogether. Too much caffeine can also cause muscle twitches.
Cut down on your workouts if you typically exercise strenuously. Give your body a break for a day or two and ease yourself back into your exercise routine slowly.
Practice stress control with deep breathing, meditation or simple relaxation. Stress and anxiety can also trigger benign muscle twitching.
Eyelid Twitches
Reduce your stress and your caffeine intake if you experience minor eyelid twitches. These types of eyelid twitches typically go away quickly and you will not likely need to treat them.
See your doctor if you experience a type of eyelid twitch called essential blepharospasm, a condition in which your eyes involuntarily close. Sometimes your mouth or neck may spasm as well. Your doctor will likely prescribe botulinum injections around the eyes to relax the muscles; less commonly, she may also prescribe a medication.
See your doctor if only one side of your face suffers from an eyelid twitch in which your mouth also spasms. This is called a hemifacial spasm. Get relief from this twitch with botulinum injections. Some patients may also need surgery to correct the pressure on a nerve exerted by an artery, which causes the condition.