How to Test Short Term Memory Loss
Three Item Recall
Vocalize three unrelated items to the examinee, for example, an apple, ball and table.
Make sure they have registered these three items by having them repeat them back to you immediately. Make it known to the examinee that you will ask them to recall the three items in a few minutes.
Wait five minutes and ask the person to recall the three items. During the five-minute interim, distract the examinee with other conversation. This prevents them from constantly reminding themselves of the three items to be recalled. Most normal individuals can recall at least two of the three items and will eventually remember the third item with some prompting.
Three Item Location Recall
Hide three pennies somewhere in the room where the examination is taking place. Show the examinee where you are hiding the pennies.
Make sure they have registered the locations of the three pennies by having them point to where they are hidden. Make it known to the examinee that you will ask them to recall the the locations of the pennies in a few minutes.
Wait five minutes and then ask the person to recall the three items. During the five-minute interim, distract the examinee with other conversation. This prevents them from constantly reminding themselves of the three locations to be recalled. Most individuals can recall at least two of the three locations and will eventually remember the third item with some prompting.