Uses of Celestone
Celestone is prescribed for patients with severe allergies. Celestone is a corticosteroid hormone and belongs to the class glucocorteroid. Glucocorteroids suppress the natural defense response system in your body to reduce the allergic reaction. When you are stung by a bee or have an allergic reaction to something, your body's defense system kicks in and causes the area to swell. Celestone weakens your natural defenses to stop the swelling.
Arthritis is a condition in which joints in your body swell and cause mild to extreme discomfort. Arthritis eventually wears down your joints and destroys the bone surrounding the joints. In some situations arthritis can travel to minor and major organs like eyes and skin. When major inflammation occurs, your doctor may order a Celestone injection. Although this medication is typically taken orally, severe reactions can warrant a steroid shot.
How to Take It
Celestone is an oral suspension, meaning it comes in liquid form. Use a cup or dropper with clearly marked dosage information to measure the liquid medication. Drink a full 8-oz glass of milk or eat a small snack when you take this medicine. Eating or drinking will prevent an upset stomach related to Celestone. Daily users should take the suspension before 9 a.m. since steroids can lead to sleep loss.
The FDA places Celestone in Category C for pregnancy. This indicates that there is not enough research to determine the drug's safety on unborn children. Celestone could pass through breast milk to a nursing infant. Discuss any health issues with your health care provider before you take a steroid medication. Never suddenly discontinue a medication.
Additional Uses
Celestone can be used to treat certain blood disorders, skin conditions and lymphoma. It's used to treat conditions that don't respond to traditional steroid treatment. Celestone isn't used for minor seasonal allergies since it's a strong medication. Speak with your doctor about any possible side effects with Celestone. Speak with your pharmacist about possible drug interactions, prescribed and over-the-counter, while taking Celestone.