About Improving Memory
Your nutrition affects the way your brain functions, including your memory. A healthy diet even improves your memory. Eat sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, green tea, nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, liver, spinach, broccoli, blueberries and other berries in order to get the antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, that your body needs. These foods also contain beta carotene. Antioxidants and beta carotene improve the flow of oxygen throughout your brain and body, enhancing your memory. Omega-3 fatty acids concentrate in the brain and improve cognitive function. You'll find these acids in fish such as salmon, herring, tuna and halibut, walnuts and flaxseed.
Your level of exercise influences your memory as well. When you exercise, you increase the oxygen your body pumps to your brain, enhancing your cognitive performance. If you're having a problem studying or working and take a walk around the block. This get your blood flowing to the brain, helping you retain the information you're trying to learn. Regular exercise even diminishes the risk for diseases that cause memory loss such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Life Style
Reduce the stress in your life in order to better your memory. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol that eats away at the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory. It also makes concentration difficult. For memory consolidation, one of the three stages of forming a memory, you need adequate sleep. Excessive alcohol consumption affects even the simplest of memory tasks such as reciting the alphabet. Alcohol abuse damages the brains memory cells. Smoking increases your risk of stroke, which can result in memory loss and diminishes the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain.
Memory Techniques
Enhance your memory with memory techniques. Stimulate your brain by changing your routine. Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand. Dress with your eyes closed. Learning new skills such as cooking or a new language also helps improve your memory. Involve all of your senses. Notice not only what you hear when listening to someone talk, but textures you're touching and the odors you smell. These extra-sensory memories will help you remember the words you heard. Use images to help you remember things. When you set your keys down next to the bowl of fruit on the table, picture the keys eating the fruit. You will remember where you put them next time you go looking for them.