How to Design a Mobility Wheelchair
Measure the size of the proposed user's waist, hips and length of their upper legs. This will be used to determine the seat width and seat depth.
Design the frame style that the wheelchair will be. The two main types of style are folding or fixed frame. The fixed frame wheelchair can have many more frame variations due to the fact that there are not too many moving parts or the need to fold it. Additionally, decide on the material that the frame will constructed from. Lightweight options include aluminum and titanium, with titanium being the more expensive option generally.
Design the backrest. On a folding wheelchair the only variation in design is the height of the backrest. The height of the backrest depends on how much support the user needs and whether you would like to install push handles on the chair. Discuss this with the wheelchair user. A fixed frame chair can have either a rigid or foldable backrest which can be folded against the seat for transportation. This is a good option for those designing a chair for someone who wants maximum independence.
Design the wheel arrangement. The style of the back wheels depends on what the chair will be used for. For an active wheelchair user, lightweight rear wheels are a preferred choice with push-rims being a key installation. For someone with reduced movement of their arms, motorized wheelchair wheels can be installed to aid the wheelchair user in pushing the chair. The height of the front casters selected depends on how active the user is. Smaller casters allow the wheelchair to be propelled quicker however give more resistance on rougher terrain. Additionally decide on whether solid or pneumatic tires will be used. Pneumatic provide a more comfortable ride, whereas heavier solid tires are more durable and not susceptible to punctures.
Set where the brakes will be located. A wide variety of brakes are available from prominent ones with large levers for easy operation to under-seat "scissor" brakes which keep the brakes away from the hands during operation. If the user is going to be pushed rather than control the chair themselves then the brakes can be attached to the frame on the back of the chair so that the carer can operate them quickly and easily.
Add any additional design features such as arm-rests and side-guards according to the user preference. Select the upholstery and the cushion for the chair design.